Monday, September 13, 2010


Directions for embedding avatar were not accurate.  Thanks to Hillary, I have finally (after 2 1/2 hrs yesterday) embedded it.  Thank you Hill.


  1. Yes, you're not the first to have this trouble, Jean. I have taken it out of the lineup of things to do. I had questions about including it initally because it requires a yahoo login, but it CAN be kinda fun so I left it in. Now that you've remarked on the difficuly, I'm thinking it's not worth it. Thanks for taking the time!

  2. Well, I had some trouble too, but you can at least see your avatar. Mine came out kind of small which was SO disappointing because I had really made her look snazzy. Ah well . . . don't you feel good that you did it though? Yeah Jean! You technical genius you!

  3. I feel your pain. Glad you were able to finally get it to work. Your persistence is admirable!
